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Multiple Instances Custom Object

This is the Custom Object Baseline Client featuring multiple instances of the same custom LwM2M Object:

ID: 3200

Multiple instances


ID Type Operations Multiple Description
5500 Boolean R Single A read-only boolean value
5750 String R/W Single A writable string
5503 Integer R/W Single A writable integer value

The following API will be explained:

  • iowa_client_object_instance_changed()


The usage is the same as the Custom Object Baseline Client sample.

When registered to the LwM2M Server, you will notice that the custom_object_multiple_instances features two instances of the additional LwM2M Object described above:


After one minute, a third instance will appear:


Then, after thirty seconds, the first instance will disappear.

After two minutes, custom_object_multiple_instances unregisters from the LwM2M Server.


Client Pseudo Code

This is the pseudo code of Client main function:

    // Initialization

    // LwM2M Client configuration

    // Custom Object addition
    iowa_client_add_custom_object(OBJECT_ID, resourceDescription, instanceIDs, dataCallback);

    // LwM2M Server declaration
    iowa_client_add_server(SERVER_SHORT_ID, SERVER_URI, SERVER_LIFETIME);

    // "Main loop"

    // Declare third instance
    iowa_client_object_instance_changed(OBJECT_ID, 5, CREATE);


    // Declare third instance
    iowa_client_object_instance_changed(OBJECT_ID, 0, DELETE);


    // Cleanup

and the pseudo code of the Object data callback:

dataCallback(operation, targetedResources)
    for each targetedResources
        find matching instance
        if operation is READ
            then targetedResources.value = instance/resource value
        if operation is WRITE
            then instance/resource value = targetedResources.value

Main Function


This step is the same as in the Baseline Client sample.

LwM2M Client Configuration

This step is the same as in the Baseline Client sample.

Custom Object Addition

Here we add a custom Object to the LwM2M Client.

sample_object_values_t objectValues;
iowa_lwm2m_resource_desc_t sample_object_resources[SAMPLE_RES_COUNT] =
sample_instance_values_t instanceValues[3];
uint16_t instanceIds[2];

instanceValues[0].id = 0;   // ID of the first instance
instanceValues[0].booleanValue = true;
instanceValues[0].integerValue = 10;
instanceValues[0].stringValue = strdup("First instance");

instanceValues[1].id = 3;   // ID of the first instance
instanceValues[1].booleanValue = false;
instanceValues[1].integerValue = 34;
instanceValues[1].stringValue = strdup("Second instance");

instanceValues[2].id = 5;   // ID of the first instance
instanceValues[2].booleanValue = true;
instanceValues[2].integerValue = 256;
instanceValues[2].stringValue = strdup("Third instance");

instanceIds[0] = instanceValues[0].id;
instanceIds[1] = instanceValues[1].id;

result = iowa_client_add_custom_object(iowaH,
                                       2, instanceIds,
                                       SAMPLE_RES_COUNT, sample_object_resources,

The arguments to iowa_client_add_custom_object() are the same as in the Custom Object Baseline Client sample, except for the third and fourth ones.

The third argument is the number of Instances this Object has, the fourth argument is the list of the IDs of these Instances. Note that the instance IDs do not need to match their index. This is why we have an id field in the sample_instance_values_t holding our values:

typedef struct
    uint16_t id;
    bool  booleanValue;
    int   integerValue;
    char *stringValue;
} sample_instance_values_t;

LwM2M Server Declaration

This step is the same as in the Baseline Client sample.

"Main Loop"

Here after one minute we declare the presence of a third instance of the custom object:

// Declare the third instance.
result = iowa_client_object_instance_changed(iowaH, SAMPLE_OBJECT_ID, instanceValues[2].id, IOWA_DM_CREATE);

then we remove the first instance:

// Remove the first instance.
result = iowa_client_object_instance_changed(iowaH, SAMPLE_OBJECT_ID, instanceValues[0].id, IOWA_DM_DELETE);

As always, the first argument to iowa_client_object_instance_changed() is the IOWA context created in the Initialization step.

The second argument is the same ID of the Object as in the call to iowa_client_add_custom_object().

The fourth argument is the ID of the instance that is modified.

The last argument is the nature of the modification:

  • IOWA_DM_CREATE if the instance was created.
  • IOWA_DM_DELETE if the instance was deleted.

Note that this API only inform IOWA of the addition or removal of an instance. It does not invoke any callback of the custom object. It is the caller responsibility to ensure that the necessary data are created or freed. In this sample, we created in advance an array of three sample_instance_values_t to hold the data.


This step is the same as in the Custom Object Baseline Client.

Object Data Callback

This callback is very similar to the one in the Custom Object Baseline Client. The only difference is that we check dataP[i].instanceID to find the matching sample_instance_values_t :

if (i == 0
    || dataP[i].instanceID != dataP[i - 1].instanceID)
    instanceIndex = 0;

    while (instanceValues[instanceIndex].id != dataP[i].instanceID)
        // We only declared three instances so this should not happen
        if (instanceIndex >= 3)
            return IOWA_COAP_404_NOT_FOUND;